Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Free Essays on Middle Women

The story â€Å"Middle Woman† is a contention between two characters that are battling for their lives. One of the characters is the lady and the other is the mythical serpent. Everything began when the center ladies took an excursion to see her sister’s house and in transit she met the mythical beast that conceded her three wishes. The center ladies have made her first wish, she wanted for the ranch to consistently have enough yields to take care of her family. The monster has ground her desire, when the center ladies return her family was no more. So she went to the winged serpent and disclosed to him he said since your family is gone you’ll never go hungry. The center ladies new what the mythical beast was up to so the subsequent wish was for everything to return a moment before she have gone out. The center lady currently recognizes what the monster is doing. The center ladies has said that she won’t utilize the desire on less she actually needs it so the center ladies have expected to make a desire yet has tackled the issues all alone so over the long haul the center ladies was getting old and exceptionally wiped out and was going to kick the bucket any day now. The winged serpent have visited her so she can utilize her last wish before she goes the center ladies disclosed to him that I have nothing to want for all that I needed has happen my family is glad I’m upbeat and that’s the only thing that is important, the mythical serpent was quite disturbed he advised her on the off chance that she makes a desire he will get mortal and he would bite the dust. The center ladies as my last wish I wish for you to carry on with a cheerful life and the individuals you meet however out your life would be glad to. As should be obvious, the center ladies has accomplished something great she wanted that the winged serpent will carry on with an upbeat life the manner in which she did. So toward the end the center ladies kicked the bucket cheerful and the mythical serpent lives for eternity.... Free Essays on Middle Women Free Essays on Middle Women The story â€Å"Middle Woman† is a contention between two characters that are battling for their lives. One of the characters is the lady and the other is the mythical serpent. Everything began when the center ladies took an excursion to see her sister’s house and in transit she met the mythical serpent that conceded her three wishes. The center ladies have made her first wish, she wanted for the homestead to consistently have enough yields to take care of her family. The mythical serpent has ground her desire, when the center ladies return her family was no more. So she went to the winged serpent and revealed to him he said since your family is gone you’ll never go hungry. The center ladies new what the monster was up to so the subsequent wish was for everything to return a moment before she have gone out. The center lady presently recognizes what the mythical beast is doing. The center ladies has said that she won’t utilize the desire on less she actually needs it so the center ladies have expected to make a desire yet has tackled the issues all alone so over the long haul the center ladies was getting old and wiped out and was going to bite the dust any day now. The mythical beast have visited her so she can utilize her last wish before she goes the center ladies revealed to him that I have nothing to want for all that I needed has happen my family is glad I’m cheerful and that’s the only thing that is in any way important, the monster was quite disturbed he advised her on the off chance that she makes a desire he will get mortal and he would pass on. The center ladies as my last wish I wish for you to carry on with an upbeat life and the individuals you meet however out your life would be glad to. As should be obvious, the center ladies has accomplished something great she wanted that the mythical serpent will carry on with an upbeat life the manner in which she did. So toward the end the center ladies kicked the bucket upbeat and the monster lives for eternity....

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Organizational Behavior Management and Practice

Question: Examine about the Organizational Behavior Management and Practice. Answer: Presentation The intensity among the business association is expanding step by step and; along these lines, the organizations are concentrating on expanding their efficiency and long haul execution. The workers or the human asset assume a basic job in driving the exhibition of the business and improving association adequacy. Accordingly, business associations independent of their size attempt to hold their best representatives in the association. The business associations additionally attempt to construct associations with their workers and inspire them to turn out to be increasingly beneficial in their everyday life. They additionally create systems to expand the presentation of the representatives provided that they can't deal with their workforce appropriately they won't have the option to accomplish association objectives and hold their workers. Today, countless business associations are recognizing the significance of the human asset and understand that the worker not fulfilled or not propel led to with their occupations will break their relationship with the association and it won't have the option to accomplish achievement (Podmoroff, 2016). So as to persuade the workers, the business associations executes different budgetary and non-money related prize strategies.The money related prizes allude to the financial increases which lure the representatives to perform better. Cash is major to the business representative relationship. In a business association, the representatives progress in the direction of the points of the association and in its trade get money related advantages. Consequently, a business firm can utilize cash to rouse the workers. Notwithstanding, the viability of cash in rousing the workers to accomplish targets more than their customary focuses in unidentified. In such manner, in this paper, the effect of budgetary compensations in rousing the workers is investigated. The postulation proclamation of the paper is, regardless of whether money related prizes, which are principal of business relationship, can be viably utilized in rousing the workers. The executives Theories of Motivation In the twenty first century, the associations are endeavoring to accomplish their objectives and increment representative profitability. A few administration speculations have expressed that the representative inspiration is a basic factor in the association advancement and efficiency. Along these lines, the associations are concentrating on improving the worker profitability by expanding their inspiration level. The inspiration can be characterized as the mental procedure which coordinates the conduct and gives a reason to a person. It is the inclination of an individual wherein an individual carries on in a particular way to achieve the objectives and the association objectives (Daft and Marcic, 2010). There are a few administration speculations that focuses inspiration and express that there is a main thrust in every representative which should be distinguished and activated. The attribution hypothesis of inspiration expresses that the individuals put enormous endeavors if their endeavors will bring about charming results. Besides, on the off chance that the results of their endeavors will bring about high regard, at that point likewise the people will invest solid amounts of energy in their work. The psychological and the self-adequacy hypothesis express that the endeavors of the representatives are needy upon their desires with themselves and self-viability. The anticipation hypothesis expresses that an individual works harder in desire for certain awards for their endeavors. The conduct of the representatives can be both positive and negative ward upon the results of their presentation. On the off chance that the results of the undertaking are not spurring, at that point it is profoundly improbable that the individual will perform better. The psychological hypothesis expresses that the association culture assumes a basic job in the inspiration and commitment of the representatives. The individual workers are propel in the association is reliant upon the view of the representatives and in the event that they accept that the impetuses are deserving of their endeavors. The representatives will likewise be sure in the working environment on the off chance that they assume that the objectives are attainable to the (Javid and Chapa, 2014). The inspirational needs of the representatives can likewise be comprehended by Maslows pyramid of various leveled needs wherein the levels are physiological requirements, wellbeing and security needs, social needs, regard needs and the self-realization. As indicated by this hypothesis, the individuals want to move to another level once they have accomplished the past level. Appropriately, when the individuals begin winning cash to fulfill their essential needs and security needs, they want societal position, notoriety and acknowledgment. Alongside it, the worker inspiration can be ordered into characteristic and outward needs. The extraneous inspiration factor are the outer factors, for example, professional stability, compensation sum, working conditions, status of the representatives and adaptability and the worker well disposed strategies. In any case, these outer components can be classified as the negligible prerequisites that keep the customer fulfilled. It implies that on the off chance that these extraneous factors such are adequate, at that point they keep the workers from getting disappointed. In the event that the association keeps up the acceptable degree of these elements, the workers are not spurred to surpass their normal requests or necessities. Be that as it may, as opposed to it, there are a few variables which are critical which build up the exhibition of representatives. These are named as characteristic inspiration factors. These components incorporate acknowledgment, accomplishment, duty, development opportunity and obligation. The connection between the representative installment and the activity fulfillment is likewise exceptionally low and it turns out to be progressively unimportant in uninteresting assignments. In the errand, where the representatives are not persuaded by the work itself, the money related compensation is adversely corresponded with the inborn inspiration of the workers. In addition, the representatives inspired by the money related components are less inclined to perform better than those workers who are propelled by the work itself. Despite the fact that cash is a sort of inspiration and fulfills the fundamental needs of the workers, it can't propel the representatives to build their efficiency. A positive workplace can be set up by upgrading the employer stability and straightforwardness in the workplace (Kulchmanov and Kaliannan, 2014). Effect of Monetary Remuneration The connection between the business and the workers is described by the money related and the financial prizes and their trade. The representatives work to accomplish the points and of the association and consequently get financial prizes. The money related prizes are likewise corresponded with the development needs and the estimation of the representative. They are a significant propelling variable in the inspiration of the workers; in any case, there are a few different components which are related with keeping the representative persuaded, for example, the association culture and the development possibilities of the individual in that specific association. The effect of the compensation or the money related prizes is additionally extraordinary as it creates various feelings in various workers. In some culture, the individuals recognize and relate their value in understanding to their riches. By and large, the business associations reward their workers as far as their rank and relationship with the association, work status, competency and the presentation in the association. The diverse sort of budgetary prizes are related with various returns, for example, rewards related with rank are expected to diminish the turnover, and the prizes dependent on the activity status are planned to propel the workers to contend and get profitable. In any case, the position based rewards likewise diminish the turnover of the workers with most minimal profitability. Alongside it, the prizes related with the activity status urge the workers to inside contend which make association legislative issues (Wilton, 2016). These days, the associations are likewise beginning to give competency based awards to propel the workers to expand their exhibition. It incorporates expanding work environment adaptability to keeps the representatives inspired. Nonetheless, the competency based prizes builds generally speaking expense of the organization as the appraisal was absolutely emotional and the representatives invest energy in the securing of new aptitudes. The money related prizes are pivotal in rousing the representatives right off the bat in their vocation. In the monetary prizes, the cash spent legitimately by the organization in rousing the workers is higher than other non-money related prizes. The monetary prizes given by the organization can be sorted into money reward and the pay climbs. The general pay and the remuneration offered to the representatives are central point in keeping the workers roused. The motivators or the money reward is extra installment or money paid on the standard compensation to urge the workers to accomplish the companys objectives (Stephens, 2005). The rewards are helpful for the representatives just as the business as the workers get extra cash while the business gets the best execution. The compensation climb is done on more than one occasion per year to hold the skilled and senior representatives inside the association. The level of the yearly raise is explicit to an association and is reliant upon the presentation, deals and reliability of the representatives. For the most part, the raises are a level of the yearly pay and furthermore connected with the advancement of the workers. Another money related prize is commission which is legitimately connected with the exhibition of the workers. The commission is typically given to the individuals in deals and sums to the measure of deals finished. The commission helps the representatives to makes however much deals as could be expected to build their bonus. The workers escape their approach to build the deals thus to expand their salary. The organizations additionally select the workers with high advantages bundle. The advantages bundle of the orga

Sunday, July 26, 2020

February updates

February updates Hello! I wanted to take this opportunity to provide an update on the admissions process. We have received approximately 15,600 applications for freshman admission this year. As you can see on the admissions statistics page, this represents an increase of more than 2,000 applications; this is a record number. With so many excellent applicants this year, it will be hard to choose. We have begun selection committee meetings. Thus, it is too late for any supplemental materials to be considered by the selection committee. However, an admissions officer will continue to review anything you send in as a supplement. I think it is important to remember, however, that if you have completed your application, we have everything that we need to make a decision on your case. The Application Tracking System on MyMIT is no longer available. We are still processing midyear grades. If we are missing your midyear grades, and they have not yet been processed, and we have a question about your academic performance, we will be calling your school to get them. For other students whose grades have been consistent, we will make a decision on the case; when the midyear grades later come in, we will review them, and the decision will be reviewed if there is an aberration in the midyears. At this time, due to the continued processing of midyear grades, calling to check on the status of your midyear grade report is not necessary. We do no yet have a set date for the release of admissions decisions. When we know, I promise you we will announce that date here on the website. We are aiming for mid-March but there is not yet a target date. Admissions decisions will be available exclusively online. I hope this update is helpful!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Hiroshima- John Hersey Essay - 928 Words

FARA EHSAN Hiroshima ‘Hiroshima is not merely a documentary, Hersey manages to inject into the narrative both compassion and awareness of the ultimate triumph of humanity.’ Discuss Hiroshima from this perspective. Hiroshima is an historic depiction of a disaster that shocked the world. Utilizing the experiences of six Japanese atomic bomb survivors Hersey expresses compassion and awareness of the city’s triumph over the disaster. The narrative creates compassion by showing perseverance of common people and their journeys to overcome the tragedy. By using the patriotism of the dying victims Hersey creates empathy and outlines the nation’s indefatigable pride, He depicts Hiroshima’s triumph as a community uniting together to help†¦show more content†¦Hersey painted a dark and disastrous image, yet as a result, contrasted and portrayed the high points of humanity. Father Kleinsorge, a priest of the Society of Jesus, felt that he was an outsider prior to the bomb, yet after the bomb he was filled with gratitude for the cities new found acceptance: ...she came to him and said... These are tea leaves. Chew them, young man, and you wont feel thirsty. The womans gentleness made Father Kleinsorge suddenly want to cry. For weeks, he had been feeling oppressed by the hatred of foreigners...(p 70). The enemies’ intention to tear the city apart emotionally and physically backfired as it left the city stronger and united. One feeling they did seem to share†¦ was a curious kind of elated community spirit†¦ pride in the way they and their fellow-survivors had stood up to a dreadful ordeal(p114). Hiroshima raised awareness of the Japanese people’s indestructible spirit even when their city lay in ruins they would not be defeated and stayed strong. John Hersey’s Hiroshima gives a simple insight into one of the most devastating tragedy which creates compassion and awareness of Japans’ ultimate triumph of humanity. Hersey was able to use the perseverance of everyday people battling the effects of the atomic bomb to create compassion. In addition to this, he was able to express the importance ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on Hiroshima, by John Hersey 942 Words   |  4 PagesTanimoto â€Å"†¦ Found a good-sized pleasure punt drawn up on the bank†¦ five dead men, nearly naked, badly burned†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hersey, 37) near it, he â€Å"†¦ lifted the men away from the boat†¦ he experienced such horror at disturbing the dead†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hersey, 37). On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to end the war between them. Hiroshima, by John Hersey is a book about six survivors of the first atomic bomb ever dropped on a city. The six survivors te ll theirRead MoreEssay on Hiroshima by John Hersey1446 Words   |  6 PagesHiroshima by John Hersey The non-fiction book Hiroshima by John Hersey is an engaging text with a powerful message in it. The book is a biographical text about lives of six people Miss Sasaki, Dr. Fujii, Mrs. Nakamura, Father Kleinsorge, Dr. Sasaki and Rev. Tanimoto in Hiroshima, Japan and how their lives completely changed at 8:15 on the 6th of August 1945 by the dropping of the first atomic bomb. The author, John Hersey, through his use of descriptive language the in book Hiroshima exposesRead MoreHiroshima Book Review Essay887 Words   |  4 PagesJohn Herseys journalist narrative, Hiroshima focuses on the detonation of the atomic bomb, Little Boy, that dropped on the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Although over one hundred thousand people died in the dropping of the bomb, there were also several survivors. John Hersey travelled to Hiroshima to listen to the experiences of six survivors. Hersey uses his book to tell the story of six of these survivors (spanning from the morning the bomb fell to forty years later) through a compilationRead MoreHiroshima, By John Hersey996 Words   |  4 PagesHersey, John. Hiroshima. New York: n.p., 1946. Print. Before John Hersey’s novel, Hiroshima, Americans viewed Japanese as cruel and heartless people. This warped perspective caused the majority of American citizens to feel complacent about the use of the atomic bomb against civilians. Americans, in many ways, were blinded by their own ignorance to notice the severity of the destruction suffered by not only the city of Hiroshima but, more importantly, the people who lived there. The six testimonies

Friday, May 8, 2020

Walt Whitman s Song Of Myself - 1191 Words

Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself† Walt Whitman was an American poet born in May 31, 1819 in New York, and he died in March 26, 1892 in New Jersey. He grew up going to school in separate facilities from people of color, so he was growing up along with the nation. He was self-taught by exploring things for himself, for example, going to the museums when he could. Whitman as a young boy alternated from being in the city to being in the countryside with his grandparents. He was exposed to be being self-reliant at a young age. His writings were influenced by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which lead him to having a collection of unnamed poems, and one of them was â€Å"Song of Myself†. In Walt Whitman’s poem â€Å"Song of Myself†, Whitman managed to express†¦show more content†¦During this movement, the history of the nation was changing. There was slavery and many different cultures from different individuals in the nation. By looking at Walt Whitmanà ¢â‚¬â„¢s â€Å"Song of Myself† poem, the reader can better understand why he came to have his point of views while discovering who he was during this era based off the changing culture in the nation, the religious views towards nature, and the social views on equality among people. In the 1820’s, the nation’s culture was changing because of the Transcendentalism movement influence. In the poem, Whitman begins with â€Å"I celebrate myself, and sing myself† (Whitman, 1330). During this time, the movement was influencing the culture which is shown by Whitman’s first sentence in his poem. The Transcendentalism movement â€Å"took a concern for self-culture, a sense of moral seriousness . . . a tendency toward individualism, a belief in the importance of literature, and an interest in moral reform† (Grodzins). Self-culture is the idea of being self-aware of what ideas to live by which is reflected in Whitman’s poem. Around this time, ther e was a sense of nationalism because of the immigration that was occurring and the expansion of the nation. This idea of self-culture lead to a different views on religion. There were different religions then, since one of the main points of the new nation was to have freedom of religion. This movement allowed for the culture to be more about

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Strategies Success of McDonald Free Essays

Social responsibility is the concept that business is part of the larger society in which it exists and must therefore act in a way that not only advances the firm, but also serves the society. More than ever firms are being challenged to integrate social responsibilities in to their operations. Many firms now believe that social responsibility to be a lot more than granting money to community groups or volunteering their time to organizations – although these are both important ways that firms support the community. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Strategies Success of McDonald or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today, business leaders recognize that a commitment to corporate social responsibility can provide distinct advantage in attracting and retaining employees, dealing with suppliers and regulators, strengthening customer relationships and providing positive returns for investors. Let us take a look at some of the social responsibility issues and analyze how businesses are showing their social responsibility. Around the world there are lots of environmental concerns that challenge companies to be better global citizens. Leading companies know that taking a strong role in protecting the environment improves the efficiency of operations and saves money, making a positive impact on business partners, customers and investors. Let us see how socially responsible companies are responding to the environmental concerns. Delphi Automotive Systems is dedicated to protecting human health, natural resources and the global environment. For Delphi, a commitment to environmental management is a critical business strategy. Delphi has certified 15 of its global manufacturing sites under ISO 14001, a global standard that recognizes facilities that have systems in place to proactively manage and reduce their environmental impact. The company is working toward earning this certification for all 168 of its manufacturing facilities around the world over the next three years. John Jaffurs, director, Delphi environmental services, states, â€Å"We want to formally integrate our environmental management into the goals of the business. Delphi is using ISO 14001 and other tools as a means of creating a total environmental management system. This will allow us to integrate operational environmental issues directly into future planning. † Delphi’s involvement in reducing the automobile’s environmental impact began more than 30 years ago with the introduction of the first catalytic converters. Delphi works to reduce emissions, increase fuel economy, decrease vehicle mass and enhance the recyclability of its products. Delphi also believes that the reduction or elimination of materials can go far in helping the environment. Delphi’s E-STEER Electric Power Steering reduces the number of seals and totally eliminates the power steering fluid, hoses and pump from the power steering system. In 1995, 75 percent of all cars sold (approximately 27 million) were equipped with traditional power steering and carried an estimated 40 million liters of hydraulic fluid. This new technology can result in a significant reduction in raw materials, which means less material to recycle or dispose after the life of the product. E-STEER also reduces energy demand by up to 80 percent, resulting in improved fuel economy and reduced vehicle emissions. E-STEER received the 1999 PACE (Premier Automotive Suppliers’ Contribution of Excellence) award from Automotive News and Ernst Young LLP, which recognizes automobile suppliers who have excelled in adapting and reinventing their companies and their products to meet the growing demands of their customers — the world’s major automotive manufacturers. E-STEER is just one example of the many innovative product technologies Delphi can offer to provide environmental solutions to its customers. According to the American Lung Association, motor vehicle emissions account for approximately 77 ercent of the carbon monoxide (CO), more than 35. 6 percent of the volatile organic compounds (including hydrocarbons) and around 45 percent of the nitrogen oxides (NOx) in our nation’s air. With this in mind, car manufacturers like GM, Ford and Honda are now producing and marketing cleaner-burning cars powered by electricity, alternate fuels or a combination of the two. Environmentalists like to refer to these as â€Å"green cars† because they represent an environmentally responsible way to travel in style. Politicians, on the other hand, have begun to see the potential for addressing larger issues. Earlier this year, Representative Robert T. Matsui (D-CA) introduced legislation that would give up to $5,000 per year in consumer tax credits to people with green cars. With this in mind, GM came up with its environment friendly â€Å"EV1†, Ford with its â€Å"Ranger† and Honda with its â€Å"Insight†. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the nation’s largest electricity producer, has announced that it will begin test-marketing alternative energy sources as early as next year. As phase one of the TVA’s Green Power Program, the test will utilize wind, solar and landfill gas energy sources to generate roughly three to six megawatts of power. Eight distributors, representing all seven of the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association’s districts, have agreed to participate in the test. If the test is successful, TVA customers could see full-scale implementation by the end of 2003. The Green Power Program is the first of its kind in the Southeast. In related news, the TVA received word June 18 that the Department of Energy (DOE) has approved a proposal from the Virginia Alliance for Solar Electricity (VASE) to provide matching funding for the Green Power Program. The TVA’s marketing plan for Green Power represents the fruits of an alternate energy initiative that began in January 1998. At that time, the TVA solicited and received 22 proposals for adding renewable electricity generators to its energy production facilities. Initial research also revealed that 84 percent of TVA customers favored a green power option. In the fall of 1998, the TVA held seven public forums that further confirmed the need for a Green Power. Participants included several members of the environmental community, utility executives, energy experts, healthcare organizations and representatives from citizens’ groups. After the forums, the TVA formed the â€Å"multi-interest team† that was eventually responsible for the 2000 test-marketing plan. As the association of U. S. shareholder-owned electric utilities, Edison Electric Institute (EEI) works with key stakeholder groups, including regulators, legislators and member companies, to achieve environmental excellence. EEI’s Climate Challenge program is a voluntary effort created in partnership with the Department of Energy in response to concerns about global climate change, says spokesman Jim Owen. To date, more than 600 electric utilities participate in the program, which means they have pledged to sequester or avoid 170 million metric tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the year 2000. This is more than four times the original goal established by the government in 1993. While some Climate Challenge efforts are undertaken by individual utilities, there are five industry-wide initiatives in place as well. These include Envirotech Investment Funds, which provide venture capital for emerging renewable technologies; the Utility Forest Carbon Management program, which funds tree planting and forest management projects; the National Earth Comfort Program, which promotes geothermal heat pumps; EV America, which introduces electric vehicles into the marketplace; and International Utility Efficiency Partner-ships, which support joint projects with foreign utilities and governments to provide efficiency of new or existing power systems. According to the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration, electric utilities represent almost 85 percent of the voluntary actions to reduce, avoid or sequester greenhouse gases. In addition, electric utilities have made significant progress in restoring aquatic habitats, protecting endangered species and generating renewable energy, says Owen Bridging the gap between school and work is another critical link that companies are focusing on. The national organization Jobs for the Future (JFF) was founded in 1983 to help prepare tomorrow’s workforce and smooth the transition from school to work. Ford†s Contribution in developing tomorrow’s workforce Ford Foundation, is an initiative that seeks to create a measurable increase in jobs, wealth, services and other community infrastructure through increased corporate involvement in community economic development. JFF works with the initiative’s many partners, whose collective experience and expertise cover community and economic development, national and international business and education to achieve these goals. One of JFF’s major corporate partners is the Ford Motor Company. The two organizations have developed a relationship in which they exchange expertise and experience that allow both to enhance their individual programs. â€Å"In today’s rapidly changing economy, schools alone cannot effectively prepare young people for a successful future,† explains Hilary Pennington, president of Jobs for the Future. â€Å"Academic standards are only part of the equation. Young people need the chance to apply what they’ve learned to new situations, and what happens in the real world is hard to simulate in school. We try to build partnerships between companies and schools to give kids opportunities to expand their learning experience. The Ford program is a splendid example of this type of partnership. † Ford has created several innovative education initiatives that â€Å"are helping us create a pipeline — for employees and suppliers, as well as a consumer base for our products,† says Renee Lerche, director, workforce development, Ford Motor Company. For example, the Ford Academy of Manufacturing Sciences (FAMS) is an academic- and work-based program in public high schools. The program’s goals are to provide students the opportunity to learn science, math, technology and communications skills in real-life settings and encourage them to pursue secondary education. Ford trains high school teachers, who teach the manufacturing-oriented courses to 11th or 12th grade students (participants take two courses through Ford each year). An internship during the summer between 11th and 12th grade provides work experience as well. The program serves as a way not only to attract future employees to Ford, says Lerche, but also as a way to draw customers for its cars and trucks. We don’t have concrete evidence that if you do these things, people buy your products. However, these activities do influence perception of our commitment to the communities in which we do business,† says Lerche. Issues such as environmental protection, education and community support are critical to companies that want to gain the trust and loyalty of their constituents. The companies profiled here understand that corporate social responsibility offers clear business benefits for all stakeholders. How to cite Business Strategies Success of McDonald, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Italian Rennaisance Essays - Architecture, Visual Arts

The Italian Rennaisance The Rennaisance The fluorishing of arts and sciences literally rebirth, the period in European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages, conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in classical learning and values. The Renaissance also witnessed the discovery and exploration of new continents, the substitution of the Copernican for the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, the decline of the feudal system and the growth of commerce, and the invention or application of such potentially powerful innovations as paper, printing, the mariner's compass, and gunpowder. To the scholars and thinkers of the day, however, it was primarily a time of the revival of classical learning and wisdom after a long period of cultural decline and stagnation. The Renaissance as a unified historical period ended in 1527 because of strains between Christian faith and classical humanism... It was in art that the spirit of the Renaissance achieved its sharpest formulation. Art came to be seen as a branch of knowledge, valuable in its own right and capable of providing man with images of God and his creations as well as with insights into man's position in the universe. In the hands of men like Leonardo da Vinci it was even a science, a means for exploring nature and a record of discoveries. Art was to be based on the observation of the visible world and practiced according to mathematical principles of balance, harmony, and perspective, which were developed at this time. In the works of painters such as Masaccio, the brothers Lorenzetti, Fra Angelico, Botticelli, Perugino, Piero della Francesca, Raphael, and Titian; sculptors such as Pisano, Donatello, Verrocchio, Ghiberti, and Michelangelo; and architects such as Alberti, Brunelleschi, Palladio, Michelozzo, and Filarete, the dignity of man found expression in the arts. [Renaissance art] encouraged a revival of naturalism, seen in Italian 15th-century painting and sculpture, and of classical forms and ornament in architecture, such as the column and round arch, the tunnel vault, and the dome. Ornamental gardens exemplified by the Italian Villa Transformation of the small courtyard garden into an area of magnificent splendor. Typical components of an Itallian Villa indigenous evergreen shrubs and trees stone walls and buildings sculpture and water features Supreme blend of architecture and the landscape: the merger of geometric form with natural setting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beyond the Renaissance The Renaissance, with its expanding economic activity, increase in wealth by more people led to a renewed interest in horticultural activities, such as gardening, as a form of creative display and not just for utilitarian purposes. The resurgence in recreational gardening coincided with increased interest in the plants themselves. This led to the initiation of modern botanical science. An important contributor to knowledge of and interest in plants was Carolus Clusius (Charles de l'Ecluse) who introduced the tulip and other bulbous plants to Holland. From these beginnings, The Netherlands has become now a premier producer and exporter of horticultural products. As interest in plants grew, both from a botanical and horticultural perspective, exploreres throughtout the known world sent new and interesting plants to Botanical Gardens in Padua, Italy; Oxford and Kew, England; Edinburgh, Scotland; and Leiden, Holland. These gardens became great centers of scientific learning and as well as of horticultural practice. These explorers represent a major movement that grew out of the Renaissance and that transformed Western Europe and the world: The Age of Discovery. Many new plants in Europe came from the New World; some, such as Virginia creeper, goldenrod, Sweetgum, Staghorn Sumac, and flowering Dogwood came from the American Colonies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to the Chronology of Horticulture Arts Essays